There are many ways one can live a more sustainable life, but one way that also helps your physical health is by using a special diet. We are not talking about a diet that will help you lose weight or get you abs, but rather a diet that will help our ecosystem and take better care of your health.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, “Sustainable diets are those diets with low environmental impacts which contribute to food and nutrition security and to healthy life for present and future generations” Not only are you helping yourself, but you are helping future generations since you are the first change in this world.
Some recommendations given by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States is that you have a mostly plant-based diet, focus on seasonal and local foods, reduction of food waste, consumption of fish from sustainable stocks only and reduction of red and processed meat, highly-processed foods and sugar-sweetened beverages. Another Commission, EAT-Lancet Commission, researched about these types of diets and mentioned that a sustainable a sustainable diet usually eats very little of:
Refined grains
Added sugars
Red meat
Processed foods
The importance of following this type of diet not only helps your health, but it also has a big effect on greenhouse gasses. The World Health Organization found out that food production is responsible for 20-30% of global greenhouse emissions and up to 66% of water usage. By starting a sustainable diet, you are helping the Earth have more opportunities to keep its resources and help the future generations from suffering from our mistakes.
In conclusion, sustainable diets not only help yourself, but others around you. Small businesses are supported even more and don’t suffer the effects of this unfair society, waste products are reduced by a lot which makes the Earth cleaner and you can acknowledge that you are doing the most to help the planet where you live.